You need to make sure that the generator that you choose can handle your requirements with a minimum of 25% spare capacity. Sizing you generator right on the limit will almost certainly cause overloads at some point in time.
Look at the equipment you are likely to be running and add up the power requirements of items likely to be running at the same time. For example the battery charger and the TV on a caravan would likely be on together but you would be able to choose whether to run an item like a microwave on its own or with other items.
Kipor IG770 rated output 2.8 amps. Suitable for TV, laptop, battery charging and lighting but not necessarily at the same time. This unit is too small to run a microwave of any size and is only suitable for small power tools.
Kipor IG1000 rated output 3.8 amps. Suitable for TV, laptop, battery charging, lighting small water heater, toaster and travel hair drier. This unit is too small to run a microwave of any size and is only suitable for small power tools.
Kipor IG2000 rated output 6.7 amps. Suitable for TV, laptop, battery charging, lighting small water heater, toaster and travel hair drier but not all of them at the same time. This unit will run a small microwave but it is preferable to turn the smart throttle switch off while the microwave is being used. Power tools may be used but power ratings must be less than 1100 watts for reliable running as the start up load of a rotating power tool is quite large.
Kipor IG2600 rated output 9.6 amps. Suitable for TV, laptop, battery charging, lighting small water heater, toaster hair drier and kettle but not all of them at the same time. This unit will run a small microwave. Power tools may be used but power ratings must be less than 1500 watts for reliable running as the start up load of a rotating power tool is quite large.
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